Monday, July 30, 2012

Fire escape garden

This summer, I decided that I would be a gardener. I live in Brooklyn, so we have to apply the term "garden" pretty loosely, here. The only outdoor space we have is our fire escape. The plants made their way from Lowe's (via my sister's car, very handy to have around), up the stairs, and out the window about two months ago. Just the other day, two little tomatoes finally started to ripen.

I call them Fred and George, and I plan to eat them in a salad very soon.

Now, if you know me, you should be very impressed that this tomato plant is not only alive, but thriving. I generally kill plants quite quickly, but New York has been getting a decent amount of rain, so Mother Nature's helping me out.

I can't in good conscience sit here, bragging about Fred and George, though, because, well, I have to show you the rest of the fire escape garden...

As you can see, tomatoes doing great, basil growing fine, and then there are the carcasses of oregano and parsley... You can also see the empty pot that was going to hold cilantro, but I've never gotten around to it. What you can't see is to the right of the window, begonias and an azalea that died a horribly slow death. Even more annoying than getting plants upstairs and potted outside is getting dead plants into trash bags and downstairs. The neighbors below surely don't appreciate little clods of dirt splatting on their nice, metal deck. Ah, well, at least there's Fred and George, until my salad feast, anyway.

Blog updating note: As you probably noticed, I updated the sidebar to show my professional-ish websites and my profiles for various social media things. I like having all of my "digital selves" in one spot - makes my digital self feel more unified. I have a couple more goals for updating the blog: 1) new design/color scheme, 2) new name - I'm just not diggin' Morgan's Cozy Chair anymore, and 3) maybe a new font too, I like fonts.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Revamping the old blog

I suspect that you have just about given up on me. Almost a full year has elapsed since my last post! I am re-committing myself to the world of blogging, though. I have plans to revamp over the next few days. Await with anticipation!

Some highlights from the last year?

Summer of 2011, we found we were expecting our second baby!

I started teaching Sociology at Molloy College in the Fall of 2011.

Chad and I went to Taiwan just before the Christmas holidays. Yet again I traveled internationally while 6 months pregnant. Yes, the food was an issue, but I loved seeing my friend from graduate school, who now lives in Taipei.

Cora turned two in January of 2012. She talks non-stop now.

Ewan John was born in April of 2012. He is now a chubby, happy baby boy.

Currently, I am getting back up to speed on life. We are fully settled into our Brooklyn neighborhood. I am working on getting my pre-pregnancy body back and have lost 20+ pounds, using AdvoCare nutritional supplements and diet plans, which have been totally amazing for me. Also, lifting a double stroller up and down stairs has really helped tone my biceps. I am prepping for my Sociology classes in the fall, hoping to be ahead of the game before classes start.

I'll be using this summer lull to re-think the purpose of this blog (which is probably an indication that I'm re-thinking the purpose of my life, although that's almost too heavy to say out loud). Thanks for sticking with me!

Weighing on my mind: How does one blog encapsulate all of one's life, when one has so many roles? Mom, wife, cook, entertainer, teacher of Sociology, freelance editor, distributor of AdvoCare nutritional products, interested in graphics and design, reader of many books, subscriber to many blogs, seeker of adventure, seeker of peace, seeker of God. So many aspects of life and only one blog? This seems to be a common concern for other bloggers - how do you do it?